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Decisions, Decisions...

I recently added a new tab to this website: Photo of the Week. My thought process was two fold:

1) It was a convenient way to display pictures that I really liked

2) I am trying to push my self, both creatively and critically, in photography.

I suffer the same problem as many amateurs; I tend to fall in love with the images I've snapped and it makes it hard to judge the images dispassionately and analytically. [This is also known as the favorite child syndrome: How do you pick your favorite child? You can't; they are unique and special in their own individuality.] Photos aren't your children, though a really good photo can stir emotions and tell a compelling story.

My only two rules for Photo of the Week are:

1) The week starts on a Saturday and ends at the end of the following Friday.

2) I have to choose one photo out of all that I have taken during that time.

Let's take a look at the finalists for this week:

The first four came from a walk along Alameda Creek in Fremont, CA on Sunday, March 25, 2018.

Great Egret - Alameda Creek Sunday, March 25, 2018

Belted Kingfisher in flight Alameda Creek Sunday, March 25, 2018

Great Egret along Alameda Creek, Fremont, CA

The lighting was really good in this shot as the egret was stepping along the edge of the creek. The details in the feathers are distinct and the water flow adds to the sense of habitat.

Belted Kingfisher, in flight. Alameda Creek, Sunday, March 25, 2018.

This was a very satisfying shot for a couple of reasons. One, I have never seen a kingfisher of any kind around Alameda Creek before, and second, I was able to get a very sharp shot while it was flying. The background is a bit distracting, to some extent, however.

Female Goldeneye, taking off Alameda Creek March 25, 2018

Female Goldeneye,

taking off in

Alameda Creek Sunday, March 25, 2018

Goldeneyes are a type of duck and the males are especially colorful, but the females have a lot of visual interest, as well. Even though I shot this at 1/1250 sec, the water droplets aren't completely frozen.

Mallard, in flight Alameda Creek Sunday, March 25, 2018

Mallard, in flight

Alameda Creek

Sunday, March 25, 2018

I like the overall composition and that the duck is completely in focus. This was a tracking shot, which is always satisfying when it is successful.

The next shots were taken near where I work, in south San Jose, either along Coyote Creek Trail or near our building, which is next to open range land.

Poppies  San Jose, CA  March 27, 2018

California Poppies

San Jose, CA

March 27, 2018

This is the peak season for the California state flower, though they can bloom almost year round, under the right conditions.

Red-tail Hawk San Jose March 28, 2018

Red-tail Hawk

San Jose

March 28, 2018

While walking at lunchtime, I spotted this red-tail hawk and shot it while it landed on a tree branch.The talons are clearly visible as it gets ready to land on the branch.

High Wire Squirrel San Jose, CA March 28, 2018

Common Fiddlehead San Jose, Ca March 29, 2018

Butterfly on Sour Clover San Jose, CA March 29, 2018

Turkey Vultures San Jose, CA March 30, 2018

High Wire Squirrel

San Jose, CA

March 28, 2018

This squirrel was on top of a barbed wire fence. This is pretty unusual behavior, given all the raptors in our area, so I wonder if it is auditioning for the circus.

Common Fiddleneck

San Jose, CA

March 29, 2018

This is a native California wildflower, which blooms in late March to June.

The plant is apparently toxic to livestock. I don't remember seeing it last year near work.

Butterfly on Sour Clover

San Jose, CA

March 29, 2018

I was taking pictures of some of the wildflowers near our building when this butterfly came along and stayed long enough for me to photograph it. It would have been nice to have gotten more of the wings, but butterflies aren't very cooperative!

Turkey Vultures

San Jose, Ca

March 30, 2018

Another wildlife encounter while walking at lunch.

The more I look at this photo, the more I feel that the second vulture's head is slightly out of focus.

The last photo was taken outside my home.

Blue Moon  Fremont, CA March 30, 2018

Blue Moon

Fremont, CA

March 30, 2018

A very satisfying shot, taken without a tripod, using my telephoto lens.

The sharp edges, especially near the southern pole, are quite dramatic.

Choosing a single image is quite subjective. For me, the top three are the photos of the egret, red-tail hawk and the full moon. Which one made the cut? Check out this week's Photo of the Week to find out. I've also started an archive of past weekly selections.

Finally, does a particular photo from this selection strike your fancy? If I set it up correctly, you can comment below. Let me know which photo you prefer and why.

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